Please be advised that the Front Office on Mentana Avenue will be closed all day Wednesday, June 12, for computer systems upgrade. We apologize for the inconvenience.

The Cycling HUB

Bike Sharing

Car Sharing


People movewith the city

Together we changed a thousand times and we have been changing again.Imagine Parma as a flexible, sustainable and smart city,in a word: multimodal. Just like our life. Discover the Parma’s sustainable mobility servicesor enter the private area to renew a permitor simply to get information on parking, gates and ZTL.

People move with the city

Together we changed a thousand times and we have been changing again. Imagine Parma as a flexible, sustainable and smart city. In a word: multimodal.Just like our life. Discover the Parma’s sustainable mobility services or link to the website to renew a permit or simply to get information on parking, gates and ZTL.



electronic gate & ztl


in the foreground


The new Parking Plan of the Municipality of Parma, which introduces some significant innovations, has been approved by the Council.One of the new features is the ‘ravvedimento operoso’ (tax amnesty), which allows those who enter the LTZ access cameras without authorisation to avoid paying the prescribed penalty. The reprimand (RO/Z) can be activated online from the reserved area of the Infomobility website (under ‘ZTL permits’) or on the TapPark app (under ‘ZTL’) by 11.59 p.m. on the day after the irregular passage.

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Rinnovo permessi 2024

Si comunica ai titolari di permessi di transito e sosta (esclusi permessi "NR"), che non hanno ancora provveduto al rinnovo per l’anno 2024 e ritengono di volerli rinnovare, di prendere contatto con la società scrivendo quanto prima a o telefonando al numero verde 800.238.630 dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 8.30 alle 13 o dalle 14 alle 17 (festivi esclusi), in quanto il 30 giugno 2024 è il termine ultimo oltre il quale non saranno più validi.Si precisa che esclusivamente i permessi di transito dei titolari di posto auto in ZTL (permessi “NR”) sono stati prorogati al 30 settembre 2024, entro il quale gli interessati riceveranno comunicazione specifica. Ricordiamo che i permessi Auto Amica Ambiente, i permessi disabili e i permessi temporanei come sempre devono essere rinnovati in base alla loro data di scadenza; i permessi delle categorie MR, Ecologistics, MAA e AA3, devono essere sempre accompagnati da un abbonamento per essere validi.

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Incentivi E-bike Parma 2024

The incentives for your e-bike have arrived in Parma, hop in the saddle! Get around easily and quickly with your new electric pedal-assisted bicycle thanks to the incentives offered by the Municipality of Parma and Infomobility: from 25 March 2024 until funds run out you can get € 500 for the e-bike or € 700 for the electric cargo-bike. Find out how!

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Green Area, a space to live

From 1 May 2022 the Green Area will be born in Parma: a territorial area within the ring road where it will be made continuous, throughout the year, from Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 18:30, excluding holidays , the PAIR Regional Ordinance which, since October 2021, regulates the access in this particular area to the most polluting vehicles. Well-being of people living in the city, quality of the air we breathe and enjoyment of urban environments: Green Area, a space to be lived.

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For tourists in Parma

Are you in Parma for the first time? Visit the page, so you can easily consult all sustainable mobility services and get information on the accessibility to the different area of the historic center, in addition to all the parking plans. Discover also promotions for tourists.



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