Si informa che il Front Office di viale Mentana rimarrà chiuso mercoledì 12 giugno tutto il giorno per aggiornamento dei sistemi informatici.Ci scusiamo per il disagio.

Car Sharing Free Flow


The private Car Sharing Allways is a free-flow service that allows you to pick up and drop off your vehicle at any parking stop within the defined area in Parma (delimited by the tangential lines) where the users also have the option of using some exclusive parking spaces in the city.

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The private Car Sharing Allways is a free-flow service that allows you to pick up and drop off your vehicle at any parking stop within the defined area in Parma (delimited by the tangential lines) where the users also have the option of using some exclusive parking spaces in the city.

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Car Sharing Free Flow


From mid-October, the new 100% electric free-flow car sharing service arrives in town with an initial fleet of 20 Volvo EX30 models, which allows you to finish the race in other cities in the Emilia-Romagna region.

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From mid-October, the new 100% electric free-flow car sharing service arrives in town with an initial fleet of 20 Volvo EX30 models, which allows you to finish the race in other cities in the Emilia-Romagna region.

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