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Shared scooters

What is it
A new electric micro-urban mobility service. A new opportunity to live in the urban context to respect the environment. It is a green and smart vehicle, alternative to private car and bicycle.

Active 24 hours a day,
365 days a year
7 days on 7
It is another important piece of the city of Parma towards new sustainable forms of urban mobility. In the city there are 900 electric scooters shared in free floating mode. The service is operated by two different private companies: Helbiz and TIER. Scooters are available7 days a week, 24h.
Shared scooters
What is it
A new electric micro-urban mobility service. A new opportunity to live in the urban context to respect the environment. It is a green and smart vehicle, alternative to private car and bicycle.

Active 24 hours a day,
365 days a year
7 days on 7
It is another important piece of the city of Parma towards new sustainable forms of urban mobility. In the city there are 900 electric scooters shared in free floating mode. The service is operated by three different private companies: Bit, Helbiz and Wind. Scooters are available 7 days a week, 24h.

How does it work
To use the scooters you need to download the dedicated APP, that is different for each operator, register for the service and unlock the means for use. Through the APP you can find out in real time about the vehicles closest to you, the areas and routes allowed to circulate and to stop the vehicle
To use the scooters you need to download the dedicated APP, that is different for each operator, register for the service and unlock the means for use. Through the APP you can find out in real time about the vehicles closest to you, the areas and routes allowed to circulate and to stop the vehicle
Download the APP

How much it costs

The scooter release fee is 1 euro.
The cost of the service per minutestarts at 22 cents.
Each operator has also provided for differentiated flat rates. Rates are subject to change, check on the siteof each individual operator

Traffic rules
Respect fewsimple rules
- E’ vietato l’utilizzo ai minori di 14 anni (solo per l’operatore Tier l’utilizzo è vietato ai minori di 18 anni)
- - Only one person is allowed to use the scooter, transport of persons or goods is punishable
- - The use of a helmet is recommended, but it is compulsory for children under 18
- Puoi circolare sulle piste ciclabili non superando il limite di velocità dei 20 km/h e nelle aree pedonali la velocità massima è di 6 km/h (i monopattini in sharing rallentano automaticamente nelle aree pedonali)
- In assenza di piste ciclabili puoi circolare sulle strade urbane dove vige un limite di velocità massimo di 50 km/h mantenendo la destra sulla carreggiata stradale
- E' vietato parcheggiare nelle Isole Ambientali e necessario ridurre la velocità a 6 km/h quando si transita in queste zone (i monopattini in sharing rallentano automaticamente nelle Isole Ambientali)
- I mezzi devono essere parcheggiati secondo le norme del codice della strada: evitando di intralciare lo spazio pubblico e non possono essere parcheggiati sui marciapiedi
- E' obbligatorio l'uso della luce anteriore bianca o gialla fissa e della luce posteriore rossa fissa da mezz'ora dopo il tramonto e durante tutto il periodo dell'oscurità
- E' obbligatorio l'utilizzo di giubbotto catarifrangente o "bretelle retro-riflettenti ad alta visibilità" da mezz'ora dopo il tramonto e durante tutto il periodo dell'oscurità
- E' vietato circolare sui marciapiedi o contromano e in generale rimangono valide tutte le regole di circolazione basilari imposte dal Codice della Strada
- I monopattini devono essere dotati di frecce e stop. I monopattini che sono già in circolazione dovranno adeguarsi a questa norma entro il 1° gennaio 2024
Where and how
In Parma you can only travel in the urban area, with extension to the University Campus. To promote intermodality with other means of transport, scooters in the interchange space are available:
- next to the Railway Station,
- in the car parking North, East, West, South,
- in Traversetolo street,
- in Villetta street,
- at the car park in front of the cinema, at the roundabout of the University Campus and at the Palasport.

Respect fewsimple rules
- E’ vietato l’utilizzo ai minori di 14 anni (solo per l’operatore Tier l’utilizzo è vietato ai minori di 18 anni)
- - Only one person is allowed to use the scooter, transport of persons or goods is punishable
- - The use of a helmet is recommended, but it is compulsory for children under 18
- Puoi circolare sulle piste ciclabili non superando il limite di velocità dei 20 km/h e nelle aree pedonali la velocità massima è di 6 km/h (i monopattini in sharing rallentano automaticamente nelle aree pedonali)
- In assenza di piste ciclabili puoi circolare sulle strade urbane dove vige un limite di velocità massimo di 50 km/h mantenendo la destra sulla carreggiata stradale
- E' vietato parcheggiare nelle Isole Ambientali e riduci a 6 km/h la velocità quando transiti in queste zone (i monopattini in sharing rallentano automaticamente nelle Isole Ambientali)
- – Limitated Traffic Zone and reduce your speed when you pass through these areas - Vehicles must be parked in accordance with traffic regulations: avoiding to hinder the public space

Where and how
In Parma you can only travel in the urban area, with extension to the University Campus. To promote intermodality with other means of transport, scooters in the interchange space are available: Railway Stationin the car parking North, East, West, Southin Traversetolo streetin Villetta streetat the car park in front of the cinema, at the roundabout of the University Campus and at the Palasport.