
and always


to never stayon foot!

Bike Lab Station

Bike Lab Station free and always available (during the opening hours of the Cicletteria - the Cycling HUB): for all cyclists who need to inflate their wheels or for little maintenance operations on their bicycle.


and always


to never stayon foot!

Bike Lab Station

Bike Lab Station free and always available (during the opening hours of the Cicletteria - the Cycling HUB): for all cyclists who need to inflate their wheels or for little maintenance operations on their bicycle.

How much it costs

Bike and motorcycle parking

Tariffe deposito bici Motocicli (Fino a 125cc) motocicli (oltre 125cc)
giornaliero € 1,50 € 2,50 € 3,50
mensile € 15 € 28 € 35
annuale € 160 € 300 € 380

Da oggi è possibile accedere al deposito della Cicletteria anche con JPASS, l'applicazione facile e intuitiva che permette di acquistare l’abbonamento (mensile o annuale) e accedere tramite smartphone, senza più bisogno di utilizzare la tessera o passare dai nostri uffici.

Scarica JPASS

Bikes rental

Helmetsand bike with child seats for children22 kg maximum, are available.

bici per adulti e bambini / bici a 3 ruote Tandem/Cargo Bike bici elettriche
1 ora € 1,50 € 2,50 € 8
24 ore € 12 € 20 € 38
2 giorni in poi € 10 € 18 € 38
1 settimana € 50 € 85 -

Our vehicles


Men’s bicycle model with aluminum frame and adjustable handlebars, hand shifter, aluminum wheels with double-chamber bearings, lights and leds and a practical bag instead of the bike basket.


traditional model bike adult with shifter


Traditional model bike adult without shifter


Bike for children aged 5 - 7 years


Bike for children aged 8 - 11 years


Bike for children older than 12 years


3-wheels bike for seniors or people with walking problems




Cargo bike per trasporto persone, cose e animali fino a 100 Kg


Bici Elettriche

The cycling station

The cycling station offers to citizens and commuters a bicycle repair and maintenance service and the sale of accessories and spare parts, but not only. The space is managed by the Cigno Verde Social Cooperative: various activities in support of sustainable mobility, such as the Riciclo-LabOfficina laboratory for the reuse of disused bicycles, where it is possible to buy regenerated bicycles but also to donate old unused bikes.

Opening hours:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday: 8:00 - 12:30 / 15:00 - 19:00Thursday: 8:00 - 12:30Closed Thursday afternoons and weekendsTelefono +39 388-1485283 

The Cycling Station

The cycling station offers to citizens and commuters a bicycle repair and maintenance service and the sale of accessories and spare parts, but not only. The space is managed by the Cigno Verde Social Cooperative: various activities in support of sustainable mobility, such as the Riciclo-LabOfficina laboratory for the reuse of disused bicycles, where it is possible to buy regenerated bicycles but also to donate old unused bikes.

Opening hours:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday:8:00 - 12:30 / 15:00 - 19:00 Thursday:8:00 - 12:30 Chiuso giovedì pomeriggio e il fine settimana.  Telefono +39 388-1485283

Promotions, events and initiatives

Family Discount:se prendi a noleggio 3 biciclette muscolari, la quarta è gratuita!

Groups and school groups by reservationreservations are accepted for rental by groups of tourists and school groups

Family Discount:se prendi a noleggio 3 biciclette muscolari, la quarta è gratuita!

Groups and school groups by reservationreservations are accepted for rental by groups of tourists and school groups

Promotion University of Parma

La promozione è rivolta a studenti ed equiparati e personale strutturato dell'Università degli Studi di Parma (borsisti, assegnisti di ricerca, professori, ricercatori, assistenti, personale tecnico amministrativo ecc, come indicato nell'elenco completo dei destinatari del documento a fine pagina) che hanno diritto ad un abbonamento annuale a 120 euro (invece di 160 euro) e di un abbonamento mensile a 11 euro (invece di 15 euro) del parcheggio sicuro bici. Per il parcheggio sicuro scooter e moto la tariffa è di 225 o 285 euro (a seconda della cilindrata del motoveicolo) invece di 300 o 380 euro per l’annuale e di 21 o 26 euro invece di 28 o 35 euro per il mensile. Tutte queste tariffe scontate valgono anche per i rinnovi successivi. Per poter usufruire della promozione è necessario rivolgersi alla Cicletteria e mostrare l'appartenenza all'Università degli Studi di Parma attraverso il badge identificativo, la Student Card oppure compilando la dichiarazione sostitutiva (documento a fine pagina) insieme a un documento d'identità valido. Vedi anche la promozione Bike Sharing.

Cycling Maps for sale

At The Cycling HUB –

Cicletteria you can find cycling map of cycle paths to discover the city’s beauty on your two wheels, for only € 2.The PedalArt map with cycle and cultural routes in Parma, Piacenza and Reggio Emilia cities, for only € 5and also Food Museums cycling map to learn about the excellent products of Parma, for only € 5.

Cicletteria you can find cycling map of cycle paths to discover the city’s beauty on your two wheels, for only € 2.The PedalArt map with cycle and cultural routes in Parma, Piacenza and Reggio Emilia cities, for only € 5and also Food Museums cycling map to learn about the excellent products of Parma, for only € 5.

Tour Emilia Romagna

Where we are

The Cicletteria is located in a redeveloped area next to the Parma Railway Station - former Temporary Station with entrance from P.le Dalla Chiesa.


Opening hours and Contacts

Sale for transport tickets

In Cicletteria è presente un punto informativo TEP dove è possibile acquistare biglietti e abbonamenti urbani o extraurbani.

Vendita abbonamenti deposito bici e motocicli

E’ possibile acquistare gli abbonamenti mensili e annuali con JPASS, l'applicazione che permette di accedere al deposito della Cicletteria tramite smartphone, senza più bisogno di passare dai nostri uffici.

Opening hours:

from Monday to Friday:6:00 - 21:00 (continued)Saturday, Sunday and public holidays:8:30-12:30 / 15:00-19:00 Thursday 25 April OPEN from 8.30am to 12.30pm and from 3pm to 7pmCLOSED Wednesday 1 May Tel. 0521-281979

from Monday to Friday:6:00 - 21:00 (continued)Saturday, Sunday and public holidays:8:30-12:30 / 15:00-19:00 Thursday 25 April OPEN from 8.30am to 12.30pm and from 3pm to 7pmCLOSED Wednesday 1 May  Tel 0521-281979

The Cicletteria

Write to usAll Contacts