Si informa che il Front Office di viale Mentana rimarrà chiuso mercoledì 12 giugno tutto il giorno per aggiornamento dei sistemi informatici.Ci scusiamo per il disagio.

Are you a tourist?        

Are you a tourist?

Welcome to Parma!

Capital of Italian Culture 2020 +21 andUnesco Creative City for gastronomy,Inside the walls of Parma there is an important historical past. We therefore invite you to discover all the wonders that this city offers: art, history and excellent food products.

Parma, despite being in the second place of Emilia Romagna Region for the number of inhabitants, is a city on a human scale,in fact its historic center is easily accessible both on foot and by bike.Many possibilities are available to citizens and visitors, such as storage and rental of traditional bicycles with fixed location/no floating or electric scooters free floating, to move easily in the town center,thanks to the use of dedicated Apps. In addition to all these services, car-sharing is also available.

Parma, despite being in the second placeof Emilia Romagna Region for the numberof inhabitants, is a city on a human scale,in fact its historic centeris easily accessible bothon foot and by bike. Many possibilities are availableto citizens and visitorssuch as storage and rentalof traditional bicycleswith fixed location/no floatingor electric scooters free floatingto move easily in the town center,thanks to the use of dedicated Apps. In addition to all these services, car-sharing is also available.

The citymoveswith thepeople

Discover Parma

The city moveswith people

Discover Parma

In addition to all these services, car-sharing is also available.To find out more, click on the icons corresponding to the different performances.

The Cycling HUB

Bike Sharing

Car Sharing


Areas to watch out for

In accordance with the Urban Plan for Sustainable Mobility - PAESC, designed to reduce pollution and improve the quality of life, some areas of Parma are limitated by traffic restrictions (LTZ – Limitated Traffic Zones. For those coming from outside the city, we suggest to visit the sections below, dedicated to the electronic gates (access), permits and regulation for transit and parking of vehicles in the historic center and in the surrounding areas.



electronic gate & ztl

Daily Tickets


Urban public transport

With regard to public transport, you can visit the website of the local transport company of Parma and Province.